New Moon in Leo: Rise + Shine, Love...
This month’s New Moon is in the sign of Leo and falls on August 14, 2015 at 2:53pm Universal Time. New Moons are the beginning of the 29.5 day moon cycle and signal a fresh start for the following month. Leo as a zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun and represents in our astrological natal chart (wherever your Sun as well as the sign of Leo falls for you - click on the link HERE to my homepage to get your own FREE natal chart and report) the principle of integration and wholeness as we journey on our search to recognize and actualize our deepest inner center.
The Sun is a magnetic and guiding energy around which all other planets in our charts revolve. It sustains our self and our consciousness. Leo represents our unique, creative expression of self. What makes you uniquely YOU? How do you show that side of you to the world? Leo also represents the Ego, which often times gets in the way of our own growth and expansion, both consciously and unconsciously at times. Studying our natal astrology chart helps us understand our own behavioral patterns of self-sabotage and heal them with greater awareness.
We must remember how intricately connected the energy of Leo and the Sun are and how that blends with the energy of this New Moon. The Sun in astrology symbolizes the central archetypal of self, both in its reflection as the Ego, and in individuality. The Sun casts light on Earth, making all things visible. With the Sun, contrast (all your darkness, your shadows, your secrets) will be seen. The Sun symbolizes knowledge, birth, growth, creativity, logic, authority and spiritual illumination. The Sun sees ALL and judges NOTHING. The Sun is the essence of who are you in this lifetime and this MUST be played out. When we’re acting out our Sun in alignment with our Higher Self and our soul's purpose, we’re purposeful, directed, proud and creative. When we’re acting out our Sun in a state of fear or egocentricity, we can be haughty, overly willful, self-centered and judgmental. The Ego will ALWAYS creep in and try to throw us off-course. Part of your soul’s evolution is to recognize when this is happening, and choose love instead. Choose growth. Choose the fork in the road that leads to fulfillment, not the shortcut or “fast” solution. As you’ll learn, there are no "quick fixes" that don’t somehow end up circling back around to your original lesson at one point or another. It’s up to you how much additional karma you’d like to create in the process of your own spiritual journey.
With this month’s New Moon directly next to (conjunct) both Venus [currently in retrograde] and the Sun, we’re being asked to make an adjustment in the area of love, of giving/receiving affection, of what we value most or of the ability to create and receive abundance in our lives. Venus has been retrograde in Leo/Virgo since July 25th and will last until September 5th. This has been a time of looking at our love lives and our personal values from a new perspective. This New Moon in close proximity to Venus in the sky really emphasizes the Leo themes of love, fun, and creativity. In astrology, Leo rules the 5th house of romance, sex, creativity, fun and children (including our “creative” projects, which are like our kids!). However, with Venus retrograde (retrogrades are a time of reflecting back to the past to heal what hasn't worked or isn't currently serving us) so close to the Sun, this indicates a readjustment period during this Moon cycle. These readjustments mentioned above around love, fun or creativity could be in relation to positive, not necessarily negative, changes in those areas. For some people it could be related to a breakup and/or a new sense of freedom. AMEN if that’s the case! Liberation, either personal or creative, is the first step to your new self and the manifestation of your new life. Saturn in Scorpio is also finally moving direct (representing movement forward rather than reviewing the past in a retrograde motion), so there may also be readjustments around joint resources, money of others (investments or debt), sexual relations or the darkest depths of your own psychology.
New Moons are also the time of month when the Moon is completely dark, so it’s a time of planting seeds of new intentions. Since Leo rules the heart, this Moon cycle is a good time to ask yourself:
-Have I been expressing my true inner nature?
-Am I acting from my heart center or from my Ego (fear, power struggles, manipulation, dishonesty, deception)?
-Are there any creative outlets I’ve been ignoring that could be explored?
-What makes me unique and what makes me stand out?
-How can I own my self-expression in a way that embodies confidence, clarity and courage?
Aries/Aries Rising – See where adjustments can be made in your own expression of creativity, recreation, romance (lovers, affection), sex, entertainment, pleasure and children
Taurus/Taurus Rising – See where adjustments can be made for you at home, with your parents or family members, in your private life, themes from your childhood or your subconscious mind
Gemini/Gemini Rising – See where adjustments can be made in your mind set, your way of thinking, your spoken/written expression, your communication with others and your neighbors or siblings
Cancer/Cancer Rising – See where adjustments can be made with your resources, your self-worth, your values (and valuables), your material security, your resourcefulness and your attitudes towards possessions (or tendencies toward possessiveness, which is really stemming from insecurities to be healed)
Leo/Leo Rising - See where adjustments can be made around your identity, your subjective self-awareness, your personality, the “masks” you wear (and do you really need them?), your self-image as projected to others and your self-expression
Virgo/Virgo Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to service to humanity, your spiritual pursuits, self-transcendence, self-sacrifice, retreating from the outside world, bringing light to your shadows and the unacknowledged or repressed parts of oneself
Libra/Libra Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to group involvement, clubs/organizations, friendships, collective endeavors and your goals for your future
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to your career, your place in the world, authority figures (including your father or masculine parental figures in your life), public life and professional recognition
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to your search for true meaning in life, higher education, expansion of the mind, long-distance travel, philosophies on life, religion and journeying (or psychic dreaming)
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to personal renewal, sex/death or metaphorical rebirth, transformation, deeply felt peak experiences, deep interaction with others, growth and change
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to partnerships, marriage, 1:1 close or intimate relationships, business partners, alliances or conflicts or legal matters (contractual)
Pisces/Pisces Rising - See where adjustments can be made in regards to self-improvement, service, employment, work or daily routines, health and nutrition/wellness and duties/obligations
Remember that it is most effective energetically to set your intentions within the first 24 hours after the New Moon. I enjoy creating my own simple ceremony with a candle, a journal, my tarot cards for a personal New Moon reading and a few crystals. Writing our intentions down makes them “real” and come to life, and therefore aids in the art of manifesting them into reality. If you don’t like to write, vision boards, Pinterest or other visual aids are also an awesome way to plant your seeds this month as we move towards the next Full Moon.
Happy New Moon in Leo. Let your inner self shine forth, be proud of who you truly are and make no more excuses for your authenticity. It’s time to get real and step into your power like a King or Queen. Roll with it. Sometimes we have to fake it ‘til we make it, but acting as if what you intend to manifest in life is ALREADY a reality is what makes dreams come true.