WTF is Mercury Retrograde? (And how to use it to your advantage)
Mercury in Retrograde: REFLECT. RENEW. RECONNECT.
Good ole' Mercury, the winged God in mythology of all things related to communication/expression, goes Retro today! But what's the big frieking deal? Everytime someone says, "Mercury is in retrograde", it's like a giant doomsday warning. And that also makes it sound like you are powerless and at the mercy of this planet floating out in the starry cosmos.
Unless you have some astro-knowledge about the cycles and energy of the planets, most people are left fearing or totally misunderstanding the purpose of when planets move retrograde and how it can actually BENEFIT us, not condemn us to failure and perpetual bad luck. Basically, a Mercury in Retrograde cycle gives us the opportunity to get a "do-over" (or multiple do-overs!) and act out of love this time around. Mercury's archetype is the MESSENGER. So think about the way you are communicating at this time, conversations that need to be had (don't avoid it...any lesson unlearned stays on repeat), looking back to the past to review what may not have worked so well, etc.
The first of 3 Merc-Retro cycles of 2016 begins today, January 5th, and will continue through January 25th (the others will be in May and September). This Mercury transit will be hitting between 1 degree Aquarius to 14 degrees Capricorn, which means if you look at your natal chart (you can print out your chart with a FREE report here: and see what falls in that area of your chart, from 1 degree Aquarius to 14 degrees Capricorn, you'll see what specifically is being activated for you right now. You want to look at the house(s) (1-12) and see where exactly those degrees of Aquarius/Capricorn fall in for you and if there are any planets in those degrees/zodiac signs.
For example: for me personally, this Mercury transit is going to pass over my South Node in my 6th house, so I'll need to do some wrapping up on business matters and the past is going to be significant for me - I'll need to do some resolving or updating as it relates to my work.
Sounds complicated? You can always book your 2016 Year Ahead Astro Reading here (a.k.a. Intuitive Advising Session), and I'll be happy to break it all down for you, simple and easy.
Mercury is the planet that rules the mind, communication, media, short-term travel and expression. When it goes retrograde, it's a time to go back and to revisit the past to heal old wounds. What haven't you let go of? What past hurts still affect you today? What situations could you have handled differently to create more positive outcomes?
This particular cycle may feel a little gnarly because of the other planets involved (Mars, Pluto and Uranus, which are all sort of angry, aggressive, unpredictable and bi-polar by nature), so just be aware: Tempers will be tested. Arguments may arise. Deep feelings that have been buried are going to rise to the surface. You may experience sudden breaks (in relationships, in communication, in plans) or unexpected changes. To be forewarned is to be prepared, so just keep this in mind as you navigate the next few weeks.
Remember, each time you release something negative, you create space for something positive.