Full Moon in Leo: Athena + Your Wise Feminine Warrior
This month’s Full Moon occurs at 3 degrees in Leo on Saturday, January 23rd at 20:45 EST. The zodiac sign of Leo in astrology is ruled by the Sun, the center of the solar system. A lot of Leos get a bad rap for being notorious for hogging attention, for needing to be the center of every gathering and for their bossy, take-charge attitude. But don’t be so quick to judge.
The soul essence and purpose for a Leo in this lifetime IS to own their unique talents, to be proud of their individuality and to learn to lead…with humility. Don’t get angry at a Leo for wanting to shine, because it’s part of the reason they are here – to show US how to shine and fearlessly own our magnificent light and our power. They are simply learning how to do this and temper their ego simultaneously. Give them a break. We've all got our issues to balance.
Speaking of which, each Full Moon cycle gives you the opportunity to take an objective, balanced look at your personal relationships and your goals/visions. When you’re tuned into your own intentions and needs (separate from those of others), you’re able to clearly see patterns of imbalance in your life that are causing disharmony.
A full moon is your chance to use this cosmic energy of enlightenment to take a good look at what’s effing up your own scales of balance. Where are you too focused on others and not on yourself? How are you giving your power away? Are you blaming other people instead of taking responsibility for the areas in your life where you feel unfulfilled?
This month we’ve got some tough planetary influences and powerhouse combos that are creating serious shock waves. You may be experiencing extreme uncertainty or doubt, anxiety, erratic behavior, strong reactions and even self-imposed emotional or psychological abuse. Remember, any obsessive or unhealthy thought patterns ARE a form of self-inflicted abuse, so take note where you’re getting stuck and seek out support from a trusted or recommended healer if you’re not sure how to get out of your own way. I find yoga and a regular meditation practice the best way to get my mind and body in sync and out of repetitive, vicious cycles that aren’t serving me. Or you can always book an Intuitive Advising Session and I'll be happy to shine light on the areas where you still feel like you're in the dark. It always helps to have an objective perspective when we're deeply intrenched in our own "stuff".
Themes for this Leo Full Moon are:
-Unique Talents + Skills
-Detaching from Unhealthy Drama
The Full Moon is going to shine this weekend opposite the asteroid, Pallas [Athena], named after the Greek goddess Athena of wisdom, war and craftiness. Athena's brother is Ares (aka: Aries, ruled by the planet Mars), the God of War. Her war was that of strategy and cool logic, much different from Ares’ war of bloodlust and violence. In fact, Athena did what she could to prevent war. Not only was Athena wise beyond any other god or goddess known, but her decisions were also considered highly fair. She was known for her great compassion.
Use this BIG (i.e. Potentially deeply volatile or triggering) question as a prompt for some lunar journaling this weekend:
*When and about whom (don’t worry, your journal is secret and nobody is going to see it, so be BRUTALLY HONEST with yourself) have you been super, duper jealous or envious? Like the seething-pit in your stomach-want to punch through a wall or burn someone's house down-jealous? The "WHY HER/HIM AND NOT ME" type of envy.*
It may have been recently or you may have to think back a bit. Regardless, we’re all human, so we’ve all experienced this at one point or another, especially nowadays with social media imagery so rampant. It’s hard NOT to believe a lot of what we see, whether it be illusory or not. So, be brave, open up that box of Nasty Judgments (I have my own!!!) and note the times and the people that you’ve felt most envious of and then make a list of the qualities you see in them that you think you don't have or elements of their life that you covet. Could be their spouse/partner, their job title, their financial status, their children, their hair, their clothing, their social status...whatever rocks your boat.
The opposition this month of Pallas Athena and the Moon gives you a chance to see how you project your own beauty, fabulosity and individuality onto others.
Whatever you’re jealous of in another person is simply an area that you haven’t yet realized or expressed your own latent potential.
Let this energy fuel you to have the courage to look closely at what triggers you, to dive deeper into nurturing your own magical skill sets and you’ll slowly begin to transmute jealousy into pride and your own personal victories. Do the work and apply your wisdom – Athena’s got your back.