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Betrayal, Karma and the Wheel of Destiny...

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BETRAYAL: Agh....The pain and the potential growth that exists after going through something as intense as this. What we tend to do is blame the other person, forgetting our power as Co-Creators and our personal accountability for choosing, typically on a subconscious level, to bring this person or situation into our life to learn valuable lessons. I know how incredibly hard it is to work through and heal firsthand. The heartache and self-defeating talk I experienced after being betrayed hardcore had me in a serious funk. I refused to forgive MYSELF, let alone the other party.

I thought to myself, "If I'm an intuitive...If I'm a good person...if I went in with an open heart, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME? Am I crazy? Was I imagining this? How could this person lead me on for so long? Why did I lie to myself? Do I totally lack proper judgment skills? How can I trust myself now?"

I was clinically depressed for almost a year. This isn't something I've talked about openly until now, but I know that what I learned over the last few years happened so that I'd have the Empathy and Compassion to be of service to other women going through the same pain. The thing that brought me the most peace was what I learned using astrology.

"All relationships contain opportunities for personal growth. When karma is involved we tend to feel a lack

of control over the circumstances and events that occur, as well as a lack of control over how we react to these events. A person may see himself acting somewhat out-of-character when he is fulfilling and correcting certain past-life qualities connected to a personality with which he is no longer consciously familiar. Karmically, these qualities must be evolved if the individual is to grow more in contact with his present life. The karmic relationship takes on the tone of each individual, while stripping away the illusions of the other. Through this process, new awareness and a sense of lightness and freedom can be experienced as the burden of the karmic weight is being released. Interestingly enough, the karmic pattern is usually understood ONLY AFTER A LESSON HAS BEEN LEARNED! An individual can struggle through difficulties in a relationship for months or years without even realizing what the struggle is all about. Karma tends to be expressed through a string of similar experiences that manifest over a period of years. When we enter a relationship, it is often because we unconsciously see something in the other individual which can help us to resolve a karmic problem. In other words, we attract who we need at a time in our life when we are READY to understand. Thus, the ancient adage, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears," is truly the characteristic tone of why and how karmic relationships occur." [Karmic Relationships by Martin Schulman]

Astrology shows us our own patterns, often that we're TOTALLY unaware of, and with the new awareness gives us an opportunity to heal so we don't keep repeating the same patterns. It also shows if we have karmic or soul contracts with another person that often feel out of our hands, as if things are being arranged by these cosmic forces, causing us to pay back our debt. And BOY, did I pay. But I also completely changed for the best, from the inside out. And now I can look back and thank this person for what happened, because it was the biggest spiritual catalyst I've experienced so far in my lifetime.

I've found that some of the most difficult challenges to overcome are those that deal with Betrayal and Deception in relationships because we tend to blame ourselves. Dishonesty, Lack of Integrity and Infidelity suck, but they can also teach us SO MUCH about our true values, who we are deep down and what we want on a much higher level. These issues are confusing and we so often fall into victim mode, not realizing how easily we can flip our perspective and take back our power.

I've got Toolkits, both Karmic Love and Cosmic Love, that can help you deal if you're going through (or have been through) a situation that caused you to doubt yourself, your sanity and your sense of judgment. I've been there and now realize that the higher awareness that astrology offered me gave me a sense peace and clarity I NEVER thought would arrive after over a year of agonizing over the same situation without real answers.

If any of this resonates for you, I'm here to help. Check out my Spiritual Toolkits HERE

And check out this short post on Betrayal by my mentor Danielle LaPorte.

You CAN heal. And you will. One step a time. All it takes is a willingness to look within and an open heart to make the difference.

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