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Astrology Series: Video 3 - The Moon + Your Emotional Essence

Hi, Modern Mystics! I've got Video 3 of my free Astrology Series, today all about the Moon and what it reveals in your natal chart about your personality, your emotional reactions, your urges to feel supported and how you feel both domestic and emotional security in your life.

The moon is the fasting moving planet and changes zodiac signs every 2-3 days and as you know there are two major lunar cycles every month - NEW MOON and FULL MOON. The moons seriously effect our moods, what we're feeling or thinking about on any given day and it's great to follow the lunar cycles in our lives to get in alignment with nature and with all this crazy, fabulous cosmic energy. Our bodies ARE 70% water, so we're most certainly affected by the moon, the tides, etc.

Why not use it to our advantage?

Hope you enjoy this video! If you'd like a free natal astrology report to get your own chart based on your day/time of birth to compare notes with the video, you can click at the link at the top of my homepage HERE.

Any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below the YouTube video and I will gladly answer.

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